
Fnf dark sheep with modchart
Fnf dark sheep with modchart

fnf dark sheep with modchart

Returns the angle of the specified rendered note. 0 = closest note to any receptor, last index = the farthest away from any receptor. Note: Rendered Notes id's are special in the way that they act. Returns the width of the specified rendered note. Returns the alpha of the rendered note id Returns the number of rendered notes on the screen. Returns what the game would normally put the specified rendered note x. Returns the current parent y of the specified rendered note's id Returns the current parent x of the specified rendered note's id Returns whether a rendered note's parrent is a sustain note or not (if they appear as the trail)

fnf dark sheep with modchart

Returns whether a rendered note is a sustain note or not (if they appear as the trail) Returns the note data of an note (0-3, left, down, up, right) Returns the scale y of the rendered note id Returns the scale x of the rendered note id Returns the y position of the rendered note id

fnf dark sheep with modchart

Returns the x position of the rendered note id Set's the hud's zoom Actors getRenderedNotes() Set's the current camera's zoom setHudZoom(int zoomAmount) Returns the current camera's y position setCamZoom(int zoomAmount) Returns the current camera's x position getCamY() Set's the current camera's position in space getCamX() Returns the hud's y position setCamPosition(int x, int y) Note: Sprite Path is normally the FILE NAME so if you have a file name of Image it'll go to assets/data/songName/Image.png so don't include the extension Hud/Camera setHudPosition(int x, int y) Sprites makeSprite(string SpritePath,string SpriteId,bool DrawBehind)Ĭreates a sprite out of the specified image, returns the id you gave it. These premade id's are the following: Sprite Id To get started every sprite has an id, and there are some id's that are accessible without creating one. Kade Engine exposes a lot of functions that let you modify elements in the game field. If the current section is a must hit section (0-7 is strum0,strum1,strum2,etc) get the default Angle for the strum (0-7 is strum0,strum1,strum2,etc) get the default Y coordinate for the strum (0-7 is strum0,strum1,strum2,etc) get the default X coordinate for the strum Whether to show the secondstrum line or not Whether to show the first strum line or not Whether to show the Hud and Strums or only the Strums The y offset to be added when the camera moves between a character The x offset to be added when the camera moves between a character The angle that the Main Camera should be rotated Whether the player is in downscroll or not Kade Engine provides a list of global variables to be used in the lua scripting interface. Get's called when ever a step hits (steps are in between beats, aka 4 steps are in a beat) Get's called every frame (after the song starts) _G = getActorX(id)Įnd - put this somewhere in a function for i = 4, 7 do - go to the center tweenPosXAngle(i, _G - 275, getActorAngle(i) + 360, 0.6, 'setDefault ')

Fnf dark sheep with modchart